A Letter from the Administrator

As Spring turns to Summer, we are excited for warm weather, outdoor activities, and front porch visits. Spring brought several changes to the facility in the form of new staff members and position changes. We welcome several new nurses and CNAs to the staff. Summer is a time for fresh beginnings, and we look forward to starting a new season with all the staff, residents, and families. In the spirit of spring/summer cleaning, we invite family members to come visit and help their loved ones sort through personal items that they may not want or need any longer. We have many exciting events and fundraisers planned for the activities department that will be sure to make everyone smile. As we end the Public Health Emergency for COVID 19, we would like to remind everyone that while visitations are no longer required to be scheduled, we still offer masks and recommend hand sanitizer when you enter the facility. We ask that if you are not feeling well to please wait and visit another day. We look forward to seeing everyone through this next season and we leave you with this thought from Lady Bird Johnson, “Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”
Best Wishes and Warmest Regards,
Natalie Raymer, Administrator