
Tips For Spring Cleaning

  1. If you are storing away your winter clothes, consider using large plastic storage containers that feature snap-on lids. Storage containers are very important to keeping your clothes free from fading and dust.
  2. When packing your clothes, roll them instead of folding. This not only eliminates creases and wrinkles, but also saves a lot of space. You will be able to pack a lot more clothes into a bin with this technique.
  3. Label your clothing containers as ‘spring,’ ‘fall’ and ‘winter.’ This will help you to easily locate your wardrobe inside the closet.
  4. If you have any clothing that you don’t plan to wear or simply have outgrown, consider donating them to a local shelter, thrift store or other nonprofit organization.
  5. If you are looking to clear out some knick knacks or perhaps even some holiday decorations in order to make room for new ones, consider a trip to the local flea market to bargain your old ones for some new ones!
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