Traditional Easter Symbols
While some Easter symbols are widely known, a few are not:
Easter Bunny – The hare is one of the most adorable and well-known symbols of Easter. Children wait to catch a glimpse of him hopping to their house with a basket full of goodies.
Easter Candles – In the Christian faith, white candles are lit on Easter Sunday and for the next forty days to symbolize Jesus’s return to life. They are usually extinguished on Ascension Day.
Easter Lily – Gorgeous when blooming, this white flower represents purity.
Hot Cross Buns – This pastry was originally baked in England and served as traditional breakfast on Good Friday. They are so named for the icing across the top of the bun in the shape of a cross. If you kept a hot cross bun from one Good Friday to the next, it was thought that you would have good luck all year long.
Have a happy Easter on Sunday, April 12!